Monday, 8 August 2011

The thing about practice....

How do you get to Carnegie Hall.....practice, practice, practice!!  Human being, including myself, seem to have an inanate aversion to the word practice.  Even though we love the results, and even enjoy the activitiy itself, there seems to be a resistance to the concept.

One thing I have done when this happens, which it still does, it ignore it completely, and do it anyway!!  I have learned that because I have the thought to resist it, does not mean I have to act it.  I just pick up my mat and carry on.  I remember hearing in an interview, the BKS Iyengar, the founder of Iyengar yoga, and credited with bringing it to the west), has the same challenge himself!  Not to worry we are in good company!!

Get up and practice, tennis, knitting, the piano!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great reminders, both about behaving better than you feel, and to practice - go hand in hand.... Thanks for these thoughts!
