I have found much of what physical yoga does is "undo!" In other words, what we do during the day, how we move, the amount of time we are inactive, how long we spend on the computer or crouched over other devices, our less-than-productive ways we walk, stand sit, all contribute to our "losing space" in the body. Gravity, by it's very nature, pulls everything down and contracts all things, including us! Many of or physical complaints, especially in the lower back, feet and shoulders, are caused because of the body's continuous contraction. It is also why we beccome shorter the longer we are on the planet. Even if you have impeccable posture, if you do nothing to counteract gravitational pull and structural contraction, you may suffer from completely avoidable complaints. This continuous contraction can squeeze vertabrae, resulting in restricted movement, backpain, Sciatica, tight muscles, distorted neck muscles, rounded shoulders, to name of few of the diffucluties.The problem is WE NEED SPACE!!
SAY YOGA, and all kinds of Hatha Yoga are very versatile at counteracting our physical contraction and giving us back the space that living in the world takes out. It will seperate bones and lengthen muscles, thereby relieving the derogatory effects of contraction. I can speak for myself, having suffered many back and knee injuries from sports, running, and a few accidents. I suffered 4 years with severe sciatic nerve pressure and scoliosis, yet all of my symptoms have been relieved completely. All I have done is consistantly create space in my body, from the internal sturcture of the bones, plus muscle lengthening and strengthening. All my suffereing, which was considrable and life changeing, has been eleviated for many years.
Practicing the primary poses.....Warriors, Trangles, Tadasana, Utadasans, forward bends (I like to us the word lengthing rather thant bend) both sitting and standing, has been enough to make a critical difference in the amount of space in my internal structure. If practiced with the INTENTION of creating space and length, you will feel the expansion and your body will love it. Every time I practice this I maintain and increase the length and space in the body, and undo what gravity, and my unnoticed movements have done. I feel like my body has spring cleaned and cleared out!! Space!!
Try it! Become an a space explorer!
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