Monday, 31 October 2011

Pure as New York snow!

Over the years, I have studied all kinds of yoga. I have studied all the traditional forms, and some vaguely resembling some sort of yoga.  I have respect for anyone who brings fresh ideas into the mix.  This is how all the different styles and disciplines have evolved.  Originally, there was one form of yoga, ( the first person ever who thought to  do a downward dog!) and from that the wisdom has extrapolated from that point in time.

Though I do like and accept new input and ideas, I also think that now, rather than an addition to long held, existing wisdom, we are starting to move into NEW yoga for other reasons.  Some things are just NEW for the sake of being NEW, to attract the momentary attention of would-be yoga students. I have seen everything from just using standard props, to hanging from the ceilings, yoga disco, yoga for dogs,(yes, the original downward dogs!) yogalates, yoga/dance/martial arts mix, hot, cold, internet ad infinitum.  Of course, this can be a gateway into more profound forms of yoga, but I am worried that the essence of  milleniums of wisdom is diluted and in danger of being lost in the name of New, Slick, and Cutting Edge.

Having practiced traditional yoga, and experimented with the new variations, I am a staunch believer in studying the traditional forms of yoga, so this great knowledge remains in the knowledge base of practitioners.   For this to be lost in favour of a more diluted form would be a tragedy, and great loss.  I am not saying that this is inevitable, by any means.  I want the wisdom that has flowed through the ages to continue to do so with it's rich river of human knowledge.  This is the basic, underpinning of everything yoga is about.

Try other types, incorporate new knowledge, but let's remember where we came from and why yoga has graced us all these thousands of years.

Namaste' and keep smiling

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