Sunday, 18 September 2011

Do I HAVE to????

Once you have practiced yoga for a continuous period of time, the body really enjoys the benefits and the mind loves it.  Yet, and this happens to almost every practitioner I have spoken, there is that little lazy part of ourselves with the GREAT BIG VOICE, that would like not moving....EVER!! 

This is the little gremlin that makes a convincing case for staying in and watching a DVD rather than grabbing your mat and heading for class.  The arguments are is raining, I am tired, I am settled at home now and don't want to go out, my foot hurts, I have to get up early in the morning, I have to wash my hair, feed the dog, call my mother, go to the store, meditate quietly by myself, or just plain an infantile I DON'T WANT TO AND NOBODY CAN MAKE ME!! 

Why this cerebral imp is there is any one's guess.  It is part of most  peoples practice to learn to ignore this and do what you need (and want!) to get up and go.  It is not just ignoring the VOICE in your head, it is practicing overcoming your lower impulses for a higher purpose.  The lower self always wants the easier softer way out of everything, including practicing, and tries to convince us it is the best thing.  An ability to hear it, ignore it, and do it anyway, is part of the mental discipline and development of yoga in your life. 

This, of course, is the true mastery of the self.  The next time your favorite DVD beckons, the sofa looks just too good to ignore, and the dog makes you feel guilty, tell your self  "Thanks for sharing", grab your mat and go.  By conquering this gremlin, you are practicing yoga!!    Namaste'!